This is a dungeon game where you can channel while moving to activate special abilities.


WASD - To move

Shift+Move - To break walls and reposition enemies

Spacebar+Move - To channel abilities you need to hold the spacebar over 4 tiles and draw different symbols: S, O, I, L.

You can press ESC at any time to exit the game or change the game options


The different Symbols you draw will Activate different abilities in the direction you move after channelling

  • S - Damage all enemies in front of you In a cone
  • O- Teleport 4 spaces ahead
  • I - Damage all enemies around you
  • L - Push back enemies in front of you in a line

Hearts - replenish your Hp

Orbs - replenish your energy, You use this to channel and activate abilities

Enemies - will hunt you down through the map. If they hit you they reduce your hp and  interrupt your channelling

Exit - The exit portal is always at the top right of each map using it will send you to the next map/day.

After 8 days you win.

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